National walking day

Did you know, the first Wednesday of April is National Walking Day?
Walking is free and easy!
When it comes to keeping fit and healthy, walking is one of your easiest options. Walking just 30 minutes a day benefits your health. It increases cardiovascular fitness, strengthens bones, reduces excess body fat, and boosts muscle power and endurance. You can find out more about National Walking Day here.
This blog explores what makes walking so good for you, and how you can find ways to fit in time for your fitness…
Why walking?
May is living streeets national walking month which is an opportunity to celebrate the health and happiness benefits of walking and. Walking is one of the easiest ways to improve our health and stay connected to ur community, helping us feel less lonely and isolated.
You can find out more about Living Streets and national walking month here
How can I find the time for fitness?
Walking is easy to incorporate into any routine.
1. Walk and talk – get those steps in while you’re on the phone or chatting to a friend.
2. Change your commute – park a little further away, get off the bus a few stops early, or even walk all the way to work if you can!
3. Take the stairs.
4. Use your downtime – if you’re watching TV, could you get up and moving while you’re watching?
5. Leave the car at home – if you have a few local errands to run, get out and walk there.
6. Make socialising active – Why sit in the park when you can walk around it?
7. If you have children, walk them all or at least part of the way to school – and reduce your stress levels by avoiding the school run parking!
8. If you have a dog, how about an extra stroll?
9. Don’t forget you can monitor your activity using a smart watch or pedometer to help you stay on track!
Be friends with your feet
More walking does mean you will need to take more care of your feet. Simply Feet’s in-house podiatrist, Michelle Gibson has over 30 years of experience in both the NHS and private practice. From footwear to footcare and accessories, Michelle is on hand to offer advice and ensure every Simply Feet product offers can help you achieve and maintain healthy, pain-free feet.
From blister plasters to foot cream, you’ll find exactly what you need at, and our handy Foot Health Guide covers a range of common foot problems and is packed with tips on and effective solutions for improving your foot health.
Simply feet walking shoes
If you want to walk more then you may want to consider our shoes that are designed for an active lifestyle