
What are Verrucae?
A verrucae is a type of wart on the bottom of your feet that sometimes appears raised up, rough and encircled by hard skin. They are commonly described as a ‘cauliflower’ lesion. Verrucae’s can have a black dot in the centre – this is tiny blood vessels that have been caught within the wart and can bleed if filed down.

Causes of Verrucae
Verrucae are spread through skin to skin contact or indirect via contact with contaminated surfaces such as showers, swimming pools or changing rooms. Verrucae and warts are caused by a type of virus, known as the human papilloma virus.

Treatments for Verrucae
To prevent verrucae, always wear socks, sandals or flip flops in a communal areas if you can. To treat a verruca, there are over the counter applications of wart treatment products you can purchase. Please read the instructions very carefully before using these products.

Over the counter treatments are NOT suitable for diabetics, people with poor circulation or immune-compromised as they could cause non-healing wounds. Seek professional advice.


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Frequently Asked Questions

Do verrucas go away on their own?

Verrucae can go away on their own, although this can sometimes take months or even years. It is advised to seek treatment if they are sore or there is risk of transmitting the verruca to someone else.

Can you get a verruca at any age?

You can get a verruca at any age, although they are more common in children. They can appear at any time, and can persist for many years.

What happens if a verruca is left untreated?

If left untreated verruca can go on their own, but they can also get bigger or spread. There is also a risk of transmission to other people. If in any doubt about whether to treat a verruca, visit a HCPC registered Podiatrist who will diagnose the condition accurately and advise you on treatment.